"To advance innovative therapies"
We, CynosBio, Inc., founded as a start-up company, which research, develop, manufacture and sell regenerative medicine, in 2015 at Hirosaki-city, Japan.
Our primary goal is to bring happiness to the lives of patients and their families. In order to realize it, our business focus is on the early advancement of innovative therapies based on regenerative medicine.
In this 21st century, numerous scientific technologies have dramatically progressed. As for the field of life science or medical science, genetics, cell-biology, protein-engineering and immuno-science are notable. We get many benefits from these sciences, such as various unique drugs and therapies using cell-culture technology.
To conduct clinical application thorough research and development of these technologies, the procedure is absolutely essential as a technology-oriented company and it is also our know-how. Recently, we have successfully received the manufacturing and sales approval from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan for our regenerative medicine product “Sakracy (TR-09)”. This product, the cultivated autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet, is grafted to severe ocular surface. It has been developed by academia.

Moreover, a clinical trial of the cultivated autologous chondrocyte is also in progress. This cellular matrix product (IK-01) is focused to osteoarthritis.
One of our advantages is a management skill of clinical development and sales marketing. In fact, we succussed introduction of seeds technology from academia, clinical application and its medical business.
At CynosBio, Inc., we believe and motivate that our products contribute to realize all people's healthy life and happy life with their smile.
PresidentHiroki ISHIKAWA

For Blooming a Brilliant Tomorrow
Lead the World with Innovative Technologies
Deliver the full of smile with Medical Therapies
Connect the Future with Regenerative Medicine
We'll continue to challenge the providing of break-through
regenerative therapies earlier, make it possible to recover the
happiness and smile for the patients and their families.
Company Name
CynosBio, Inc.
President and CEO
Hiroki Ishikawa
Head office location
1-3-15 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, TOKYO, JAPAN.
September 16, 2015
Share capital
JPY 1.9 Billion (included capital surplus) as of Nov.1st, 2024
Major shareholders
Y.Machida (Funder), SJY Inc.(Machida’s Asset management company),
CYBERDYNE Inc., CEJCapital Inc.,
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
Main business
Development, Manufacture and Sale of Regenerative Medical products
Number of employees
30 (included contract employees) as of Nov.1st, 2024
Sep Sainojo Machida (Former President of Machida and Machida Corporation) founded CynosBio, Inc. Lifescience Innovation, Inc. and was appointed as the company president
Oct A joint development agreement on autologous cartilage chondrocyte cell processing products with collagen matrix (IK-01) was signed with the Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe (FBRI).
Oct A joint development agreement on oral mucosal epithelial sheets (TR9) using amniotic membrane was signed with FBRI.
Jul Clinical trial of IK-01 for the knee injury was initiated.
Oct Manufacturing & Selling Business License obtained.
Mar TR9 (Sakracy®) was applied in MHLW for the manufacture and sales approval.
Jan Approval of TR9 (Sakracy®) manufacturing and sales was received from MHLW.
Jul Capital and business alliance was contracted with Cyberdyne Group.
Jul Clinical trial of IK-01 for osteoarthritis of the knee was initiated.
Sep NIH pricing listing of TR9 (Sakracy®).
Dec Hiroki Ishikawa was appointed as the company president
Feb A joint development agreement on a cell sheet intended for the treatment of liver diseases(KCS-003) with KanonCure Inc.
Mar Headquarters was moved to Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Jun Clinical trial of IK-01 for osteoarthritis of the knee (phase2) was finished.
Oct A business agreement for R&D and manufacturing of regenerative medicine with FBRI
Feb Head office moved to Chuo-ku, Tokyo